summer school
2024 DATES
SCHS Students ONLY
June 20 - July 19
1st semester: June 20 - July 3
2nd semester: July 8 - July 19
***No school on July 4th and 5th***
Application: Click here
The focus of summer school is to recover credits so that students can remain on track for graduation. Acceleration classes are not available at this time. Transcripts will be evaluated for placement into courses.
Because summer school is limited, we will fill classes based on a lottery system so that everyone has an equal opportunity to be selected for summer school.
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 1:45 pm
11:00 am - 11:20 am (Break)
Attendance Policy:
Each day of summer school is equal to six regular school days. Due to the rigor and intensity of the summer courses, students who miss more than 1 day per semester will be automatically withdrawn from the program. Also, any student who is not present in class on the first day of summer school will be withdrawn.
1st Day Procedures:
Students must report to class by 8:30 AM on June 20th.
Absentees will be automatically dropped from the class by 8:30 am to accommodate students who are on the waitlist.