Attendance Office & Advisors 

Attendance office

Closed Campus Policy: Students are not permitted to leave campus during the school day for any reason without first going through the attendance office. Students found violating closed campus will be subject to disciplinary action.

Drop-Offs: Unfortunately, the office is unable to accept or deliver personal items (i.e. lunch) to students. Instructional time is important and will not be interrupted. If you must deliever an item, please come at break or lunch. 

josefina ortiz

Attendance Secretary 

A-L (408) 347-5621

jacqueline le

Attendance Clerk

M-Z (408) 347-5654

If your student will be absent:

Extended absences due to illness require that a parent contact the attendance office and provide a note from the student's physician. 

Whenever possible, medical or dental appointments should be made after school.  If it is necessary to make an appointment during the school day, parents may call or provide the attendance office with a note signed by the parent for an Advance Admit Pass. 

Leaving campus without school authorization will result in disciplinary action. We are a closed campus!

If your student will be tardy:

Being on time to class is the responsibility of the student. Students who are not in their seat or station when instruction begins are classified as tardy. 

 An excused tardy is given only for a signed pass from a attendance staff member. Students are tardy for more than 30 minutes more than 6 times can be referred to our Student Attendance Review Board (SARB).


Students can make up unexcused absences by attending a Saturday Attendance Recovery session. These sessions will be held approximately twice per month. Additionally, one session each month will provide academic support for your student.

Justine Kunkel

Student Advisor

A - L

(408) 347-5625

Joel Robison


(408) 347-5620

hector flores

Student Advisor

M - Z

(408) 347-5626


If you know in advance that your student will be absent for more than five consecutive days (due to a reason othar than illness), please contact the Attendance Secretary to apply for Short Term Independent Study (STIS). This must be done at least a week prior to the absences. STIS is an temporary educational alternative to classroom instruction that allows a student to maintain their grades. A student's guardian can apply for STIS when their child is likely to be away from school for no less than 5 days and no more than 15 consecutive days. Once accepted, students are responsible for completing schoolwork. Provided the work is completed, students receive a grade and absences are excused. Please contact Mrs. James in E-1 or at to start the process.

Attendance Review Conference/ Student Attendance REview Board

For students who have attendance issues will be referred to our Attendance Review Conference (ARC) located on campus. Students can be referred for 3 unexcused absences on 3 occasions in one school year or who are missing 10% of the school year. Parents will be invited to contact the school and attend; failure to attend will result in a referral to our Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) at our District Office.