New Registration
Registration Office (408) 347-5644
Monday - Thursday. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday. 8:00 - 12:00pm
No registration or withdrawals after Friday afternoon. Withdrawals for current students only
All enrollments are processed online. Click on the ENROLLMENT page to register. An automated email will generate once it has been processed. After completing online registration, you may drop off copies only of your supporting documents to our resgistration office. The Registrar's Office is located in the SCHS Main Office.
The Registrar processes:
requests for transcripts
education verifications
new enrollments
address changes
Students must live within the East Side Union High School District boundaries to attend one of our schools. Please check and enter your address to verify your school of attendance.
Withdrawal papers from the previous school (for current high school students)
Copy of transcript or last report card (for entering freshman, verification of promotion to 9th grade is needed) + IEP or 504 Plan
Birth certificate
Up-to-date immunization records:
documentation showing the Tdap (whooping cough) vaccine, Polio, MMR, and Hep B.
If entering from outside Santa Clara County, records MUST include a TB Mantoux-PPD skin test completed within the last six months
if entering from outside California, records MUST include documentation of the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or documentation of the disease.
Parent/Guardian picture ID
Proof of residence in the Silver Creek attendance area:
3 bills with parents' name and Silver Creek address.
Acceptable bills: (official mail communications: PG&E, phone bill, water bill, home mortgage, insurance statement, cable bill, paycheck stub, car registration, bank statement, doctor bill, credit card bill, car loan statement, social security statements)