Registration Office (408) 347-5644
Monday - Thursday. 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Friday by appointments only.
No registration or withdrawals after Friday afternoon. Withdrawals for current students only
All enrollments are processed online. Click on the ENROLLMENT page to register. An automated email will generate once it has been processed. After completing online registration, you may drop off copies only of your supporting documents to our resgistration office. The Registrar's Office is located in the SCHS Main Office.
The Registrar processes:
requests for transcripts
education verifications
new enrollments
address changes
Attendance area
Students must live within the East Side Union High School District boundaries to attend one of our schools. Please check and enter your address to verify your school of attendance.
Looking to transfer to or from another ESUHSD school? Apply here for an Intra-District Transfer
Are you looking to transfer to or from a school outside ESUHSD boundary? Apply here for all Inter-District Transfer